Below is list of the current courses that Brian delivers or supports at RMC as well as his past courses.


  • EEE455/457 - Supervisor and/or reviewer, Fourth Year Design Projects
  • EEE404 - Support conduct of CyberX; mentoring, scoring (services and tokens) and background traffic generation


  • EE593 - Advanced Network Traffic Analysis
  • EE597 - Cyber Security of Operational Technology Systems
  • EE580 - Support conduct of CyberX; mentoring, scoring (services and tokens) and background traffic generation

Professional Certificate in Cyber Security Foundations (PCCSF)

  • Intrusion Detection & Extrusion Analysis Skills (IDEAS) - Course Director/Lead developer and instructor on this 12 day course
  • Security of Platform and Operational Technology Systems (SPOTS) - An 8 day course co-developed with Dr. Ron Smith and delivered with support from CSL faculty and DTAES staff

Past Courses Taught

  • EE588 - Topics in Cybersecurity
  • AMS509 - Military Information Systems: Cybersecurity
  • MBA509 - Single module on Cyber Resilience with a focus on incident response and security frameworks
  • EEE335 - Principles of Operating Systems
  • Short Course in Network Security (SCINS) - Delivered module on Operating Systems, also supported preparation, delivery and mentoring on final day-long exercise on this 10-day course
  • GOF202 - Guest Lecturer (Department of Political Science and Economics)